Upcoming Events
Ladies Day: Join us on Saturday, March 8 at 9am for our annual Ladies Day event. This year’s theme is “Birds of the Bible.” Please contact Kim for more details.
Youth Group Spring Retreat is March 16-21 in Orlando. Contact Steven for more information. Pray for our students!
Live The Life Marriage Conference: Invest in your marriage! Join us on Friday, May 2 (6-pm), Saturday, May 3 (9am-3pm) and again on Friday, May 30 (6-9pm) as we welcome Live the Life to present “Adventures in Marriage.” This interactive weekend is totally free. Childcare is provided. Click here to register. This event is open to the first 30 couples who sign up.
Annual Ladies Luncheon for widows and single ladies is planned for Saturday, April 5 at 12pm at Ruth Webb’s. Please contact Ruth to RSVP. We look forward to honoring our ladies.
Equip Conference: This year’s dates are July 10-13 and it will be held at the Rosen Centre in Orlando. There are classes for all ages. Make plans to attend. The conference is totally free, but you can book hotel rooms for $129/night if you need to. Click here to register and for more info.
Save the Date: VBS is scheduled for July 20-23 at the building. More info to come.
Youth Group Fundraiser (Ongoing)
Race Car Wash has designed a program to help our Youth Group raise money quickly and easily at absolutely no cost to you! When you arrive, push FUNDRAISER BUTTON on the auto cashier screen, ENTER OUR 4-DIGIT CODE, 2750, and 10% of the total sales will be donated to our Youth Group! Don’t forget, our 4 digit code is 2750. Race Car Wash is located at 3065 SE 24th Street. It is in the Publix Shopping Center east of the church.