Mission: Making Disciples
We seek to honor and obey Jesus final command (Matthew 28:18-20), making disciples as our first priority in our homes, our community, our nation, and the world.
Vision: Making Disciples Here, Near, and Far
Our vision at Maricamp Road is to live in intentional loving relationships as disciples of Jesus who make disciples here, near, and far. We are committed in our church life, our ministry partners, and missions to grow more like Christ and plant churches as we make disciples helping others to discover Jesus and become more like Him.
Values: Love God, Love People, and Love God’s Word
Our values ground our identity in Christ, fosters godly relationships and provides a moral compass for all that we do in ministry. As such, we seek to love the Lord with all our hearts, love people as Christ loves us and love God’s word as our guide for life.
For more information about our Vision, Mission, and Aim, please visit the office and request a copy of our "Faith and Values: What We Believe."